Friday, August 23, 2013

Cardboard, A Flowing River, A Little Tape And A Race??? AMAZING!!!

Well, we have been out for a few days with the 
pesky "day job." But, as promised, we made it to New Richmond on the Ohio last weekend for the annual "Cardboard Boat Regatta."  AMAZING!!

This event is world class, fun and will only continue to grow. We have heard that other folks are copying the event, but nothing will match the event in this little river town. The guys at the "World's only Cardboard Boat Museum" are volunteers who literally plan over a year to stage this event. While we heard they may pop a few brews at time, that is well-deserved with all the work, creativity and spirit they bring to this event. We are mixing in a few photos that we have (only with permission) snatched from a few Facebook and other pages....

It seems like everyone in town and around the region partake in this annual event. The Front Street Cafe had a cool Saucer/Teacup boat (not too fast but fun), Snappy Tomato Pizza had a cool boat and so did Television channel 12-WKRC. Of course the Green Kayak Market and Eatery had, you guessed it, a green kayak--it even won it's heat.

The coolest part of this event is to witness the creativity of some of the folks who, in our humble opinion, are true artists. Check out the "Row Man Chariot" above. There was also a beautiful "hot rod", a duck boat, alligator, Chris-craft look alike and the ever-popular riverboat.....You need to get out to this Event which is held every August in New Richmond on the Ohio. This was, we were told, year 21 for the regatta!!!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Great Outdoors Weekend.....September 28 and 29

We are heading down soon to the RiverDays festival. While there we intend to suggest to the Green Kayak Market folks to organize an event for the Great Outdoors Weekend in September. Check out all the cool events at the Green Umbrella site:

The Green Umbrella seems like a cool group of folks trying to make a difference. We kicked around its website.

Let's see if the Green Kayak will create an Event to support the weekend. Any suggestions we should share?

Thursday, August 15, 2013

RIVERDAYS FESTIVAL at New Richmond On The Ohio....

Tomorrow is the start of the weekend festival in New Richmond on the Ohio, also known as RiverDays. We are hitting the Village and checking out the festivities. Maybe we'll see you down there.

We plan on hitting the music scene at Haussermann Park. With the history of the "Gold King" at the Park we are expecting some great tunes. We saw a posting that Ryan Wilson is playing, with a special guest, Jim Comodeca-who we've heard play before. Hope he plays the "Capt Bill" and "Great Day to Kick Somebody's A#@." 

Saturday has a lineup of a parade, fireworks, cardboard boat races, some serious music and oh so many of the classic Midwest carnival games. These village festivals are just so cool and so much the throwback of what life has been in the past. We encourage you to visit this festival or such other local festival and enjoy the sights, smells and sounds!!

Get outside and play--at RiverDays!!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Why Does The Ohio River Fluctuate So Much Near Cincinnati?

What in the world is going on this summer????  We should be at the pool flow level of about 25' Instead, we're getting another odd bump in the river level followed by a quick drop. We hope this doesn't intefere with the annual Cardboard Boat Races in New Richmond on the Ohio (set for 12 noon on Saturday). Stay tuned.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Dancing and Fun In New Richmond on the Ohio.....

We were back on the move this past weekend and ended up in New Richmond on the Ohio again.....what a blast. We started out early with a great dinner at the Green Kayak Market & Eatery Backhouse Beachclub-- If you haven't been there you best get there with some friends. We then went inside for some great music on what they call the "Old Lodge Stage." First up was a guy named Roy and, man, was he fun.....He even had some sunglass-laden little boy up on stage rockin' it out with him...Check it out
Next up was Jim. We've seen him play before and his tunes/stories are great. We particularly love the quirky "Captain Bill" song and Jim's emotional version of "Hallelujah." What a great lineup and it still wasn't over......

After Roy and Jim's short sets, two young guys took the stage; Mike and Jeff. These guys were excellent. Young men with old souls, playing and singing classics and more modern tunes. We hear they are playing again this week on Friday on the Kayak's Old Lodge Stage.....

It's RiverDays weekend at New Richmond on the Ohio so we will definitely be there for all there is to offer. The Green Kayak and New Richmond on the Ohio ROCK!!!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Buoy Tender Craft Visited A Weekend Or So Ago....

We forgot to mention that when we were in New Richmond on the Ohio a few weekends ago, there was quite a stir created by the visit from the Coast Guard Buoy Tender craft. The crafted floated into town on Saturday evening and tied off to the Village's now-famous "LogNess Monster." Good ole "LogNess" appears to be loved by everyone!!

These vessels are used on the river to replace and maintain navigational buoys. Because of the constant fluctuation of the Ohio River, the buoys and other navigational aids require rather constant maintenance.

Did you also know that the Ohio River is unique amongst other rivers on how the mile markers are laid out. On the Ohio, the mile markers start with the headwaters and move downstream. In all other rivers the mile markers run "upriver" from the mouth....Odd, yet interesting fact