Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Ohio River-- A Living Creature....

So many folks live near the Ohio River but spend little time thinking about what the River stands for. Serving as a divider of races, a highway for commerce and a source of delay as daily traffic crosses bridges, the Ohio River rises up and falls down as part of the cycle of life. While many folks "live" the river and can predict it's actions, this website provides excellent information on the river stage status and the expectations of where the river will rise within a few day period.  http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/hydrograph.php?wfo=iln&gage=ccno1

Those living in southern Ohio and Indiana, northern Kentucky and West Virginia have a front row to seat to the ever-changing river level and the changes such bring to the shoreline.....Please take notice and enjoy monitoring the river on the National Weather Service site......

 Check out some of our earlier posts regarding the barge traffic that floats the river almost daily. Seldom are the barges idle, except in only the most severe weather conditions

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