Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Paranormal Activity Near the Ohio River??

We ran into someone who was studying alleged paranormal activity in the Villages, Towns and Hamlets along the Ohio River. As we were told, the theory is that paranormal activity (and maybe ghosts) gather energy from running water. The "ghosts" need energy, and running water creates a current (or charge) that is harnessed and somehow converted for use by ghosts or other such ghost-like figures. Whether such is true or not, this is a common theory on why the potential for  paranormal activity is higher near running water. And with the reportings of ghosts and other odd behavior goes the creations of stories. These stories, whether steeped in folklore or verifiable visions, have been passed down through the generations of residents and visitors. Some of the more interesting stories include the ghosts of Utopia and New Richmond.

As noted in an earlier Post in this blog, the history of Utopia is, in and of itself, odd. A strange sect that built an underground church near the river to be closer to the dead is flat-out scary. What is even stranger is the decision to deconstruct a building and rebuild it along the waters edge; despite the history and risks of severe flooding. As fate would have it, an incredible flash flood occurred shortly after building completion resulting in the collapse of the building and the death of scores of people. The story goes that, even today, residents report ghost-like figures walking up from the river.

Even the Village of New Richmond has a reported history of paranormal activity. Several structures in the Village have been subject of reports of such activity (old historic High School, Mason Lodge, etc). One of the more popular stories is that of the boy on Pond Run Road, chained in the basement of his home. After fire destroyed the home, the story goes that all that was found of the boy was one hand. The boy, with a hook on one hand, now haunts Pond Run Rd, creating fear in many a driver travelling this dark, windy road near the Ohio River. The story of the ghost on Pond Run Road is woven into the fabric of the history of this mysterious and evolving Village. We hear that investigators may soon visit to explore further. We will keep you advised once we know more. Of course, if you have any stories to share, please do so here......

1 comment:

  1. We would love to visit these places. Great information....
