Saturday, February 9, 2013

Rock on the River....

We learned that the OMEB School of Rock is set to visit New Richmond on the Ohio on Saturday evening (7pm). This is a unique school where the proprietor, Mike Carr (aka the "One Man Electrical Band"), teaches kids (ages 8-18) the in's and out's of playing rock music. What makes his school most unique is that Mike and the kids (most of whom we hear are younger rather than older) hit a local venue a few times a year to put on a real, live rock show. Tonight the gang invades the Green Kayak Market & Eatery. We will definitely be in the house to check this out. We here that these kids can really play. Hope the house is packed for Mike and these young rockers......Here's a photo pulled off the Green Kayak Facebook page

How cool is this!!!

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