Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Update on New Richmond Ramp....

We learned that the grant submission for the ramp upgrades cannot, unfortunately, occur this year. The New Richmond Village Administrator, after working with an Engineering Company and local volunteers, was informed by the State of Ohio that no funds are available this year (2013) and, as such, grant requests cannnot be submitted. The State of Ohio works on two year (Bienium) budgets and the expecation is that monies will be available in the next Bienium.

Despite such slowdown, we know that this cannot stop the progress for this potentially excellent asset to the paddling community. We can't thank enough Bradstetter Carroll for volunteering to work up plans, Dave Kennedy for his hard work pushing on the Grant, Ray Persyck (for, well, being Ray), the folks at the Green Kayak Market for continuing to push on the project and all the other persons interested in building on the Project. We heard that efforts have been made to reach out to potential youth groups/Scouts to create signage and maybe even kayak racks along the river this year. The hope is to  continue to build on the momentum and reach out to as many folks as possible to see the Project through and end up with a truly accessbile top-notch ramp on the beautiful Ohio.

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