Sunday, March 10, 2013

Follow up on the Village of New Richmond....

Well, we said we'ld follow up and here we are. We stopped down to the Green Kayak last night and they had a duo playing called The Dishes. They were unbelievable. Amazing harmonies and a great selection of songs. As an added bonus, several folks joined playing throughout the night, including folks playing banjo, guitar and a cajone....A cajone is a cool box which the player sits on and hits it like a drum. We saw no microphone or anything, but the sound was so cool and loud. It appeared that different areas he hit produced different sounds--even a snare drum sound.  We never saw this before and the cajone added great depth to the music......WOW!!

The River is moving fast, but the temperatures of the water are picking up. It won't be long before the River temperature will be ready for all the kayakers.....We ran into a guy at the Kayak that everyone calls "Kayak Steve." He had just returned (still in dry suit) from a paddle from New Richmond to near Moscow. He said the current was a little swift, but it was fun to stay near the shore and paddle through the trees. A great afternoon adventure.

Finally, we also heard that someone may be writing an article on the New Richmond Canoe/Kayak ramp. We do not have any details, but we will update you when we learn more.....As we have said in the past, this little Village ROCKS!!!

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