Saturday, May 11, 2013

The River Is Up And So Is The Music...

As we mentioned in our last post, we planned on heading down to New Richmond on the Ohio to check out the music on Friday night. We did so and was not disappointed.

photo lifted from Green Kayak facebook page
The Green Kayak Market & Eatery had Micheal and John (from the band Cheap Thrill)  playing on what they call the "Old Lodge Stage." These guys play (and play well) many of the 60's and 70's classics on acoustic guitar. The harmonies are tight and the guitar playing amazing. We have seen these guys play before and plan on staying in touch to see them again. We truly recommend watching the GK facebook site for when they play again. We did hear that Micheall will be playing solo every Wednesday at the Kayak starting the last Wednesday of May.

We next stopped down to the Front Street cafe to check out the music there. Once again, not disappointed. Cheryl Renee and Shorty Starr were rippin' up the blues. The keyboard and drum  combo was cool, particularly with the killer vocals. Worth the trip and we'll be back.
photo lifted from Front Street facebook page

While walking back to the car, we heard different music coming from the Kayak and stopped back in. The primary band had ended, but in what seems to be true Green Kayak fashion, several other folks took the stage to simply play a few tunes. There were at least 2 or 3 guys who jumped on stage, grabbed the house guitar and lit up several excellent tunes and even had the crowd singing along. How cool is that? We were told that there will be music again tonight at both places. It appears the music never ends in this little Village on the Ohio.

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