Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Ohio River "LOGNESS MONSTER....."

We were down in New Richmond on the Ohio this weekend and saw the giant, colorful river monster, aka "The LogNess Monster."

The folks in this Village are just so much fun. Stop down and check this out. It must be at least 60-70 ft long and apparently just showed up this Spring.

We happened down to the Village to check out the music scene and to enjoy the river. We kayaked from the Village kayak ramp and then had a funky, tasty dinner at the "Green Kayak Market." Twisted BLT, Creamer Smoker and a couple of fun craft beers (Horny Goat, Thirsty Dog and a good, old HopBomber by Rivertown)

What will these folks come up with next. We loved the Mini Music Festival, look forward to RiverDays and the cardboard  boat regatta and always enjoy seeing "Jacob" the town Peacock......

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Ohio River App...Check It Out

We are heading out this weekend to New Richmond on the Ohio this weekend and will probably do so via kayak or some other paddling craft (SUP, etc). We learned last week about a great app that provides really useful information regarding the Ohio River. We are using it and LOVE IT!! Check it out at:

Remember to "Get Outside and Play!"

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Is It a Bird, Is It a Plane?? It's Super Moon Saturday/Sunday

For all of the lost romantics out there, grab your sweetie, wake up early Sunday (@7:30am) and bask in the alluring glow of the Super Moon as it hangs heavy over the Ohio River. The Super Moon will grace the sky late Saturday night and peak early Sunday. Because of its close proximity to earth, the moon will appear both much larger  (over 10%) and brighter (about 30%).

Folklore has it that the full moon is a time of increased odd behavior and supernatural activity. Whether it's an increase in hospital emergency room visits , flat-out wacky behavior or an increase in crime, something sure seems to be happenings on Full Moon evenings.  Scientific studies have not borne out proof of such association, but the anecdotal evidence continues to build. Watch out tonight !!!

On the Super Moon front, such occurs rarely and not again until August 2014. The Super  Moon occurs when the Full Moon coincides withe perigee--the date on which the moon is closest to the earth. While both events occur approximately one time per month, seldom do such dates coincide.

So kiss your spouse, hug your puppy or pen a romantic song, but just make sure to get outside and enjoy the show. Please feel free to share with us all of your Super Moon pictures. Have a great night

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Paddlefest Is Here....

It's that time again---PADDLEFEST. Hope you intend to join several thousand others for a leisurely paddle down the Ohio River from Coney Island to downtown Cincinnati. This event is so much fun and it's awesome to see so many paddlers out on the river together. Check out the details for the event at:

We'll see you out on the River.....

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Mini Music Event On The River at New Richmond..

The Green Kayak Market & Eatery sponsored a mini music festival this past weekend and we stopped by. This was a cool event and we hear another will occur next year. Friday night, with a band playing in the Park, the feel was that of a summer beach town. The Park was filled with so many young people dancing to the music, and the Kayak was hosting even more great music on its Old Lodge Stage and Front Street Cafe provided music in its courtyard There wasn't an empty parking place in sight!

As we have noted in the past, something fun and big time is happening in this former sleepy river Village. The music is key, but so are the other hip items popping up around town. The cool kayak ramp, the trailers and trucks around town sporting kayaks/canoes, that Peacock Bakery pushing out amazing treats and the  river traffic slowing down to check out the Village, all  provide a feel and look that is just flat-out fun. Not sure what's in the water down there, but whatever it is, it's sure generating energy. Even Jacob, the town peacock feels like showing off ...

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Is It The Derecho?

So what is a "derecho?" The weather folks keep throwing around the threat of a derecho, but no one told us what it is. Time to "Bing" the answer (everyone else "googles" so we're trying to create a new trend) .....

It appears that a derecho is a long-lived, line of severe thunderstorms that generally develop in June and July. Derecho is a Spanish word meaning "straight." A common characteristic of these storms are strong and sustained straight line winds.  To be considered a "derecho" it appears the winds must average at least 58 mph across the entire line  of storms, and must be maintained at
such level for no less than 6 hours. These winds often lead to intense damage and power outages. We're hoping that the prediction for a derecho in our area does not come true as this sounds way too intense.

Just a year past the devastation of the tornado that hit along the Ohio River in Ohio and Kentucky, the potential for "derecho" intense storms brings on a new sense of urgency. The power and wrath of spring and summer storms are incredible and awe-inspiring. Please be cognizant of how fast these storms can develop and how long they can last.  So while we always encourage you to "Get Out and Play," please only do so when weather permits.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Mini Music Festival In New Richmond on the Ohio.....

We just learned that this Friday and Saturday (June 14 & 15, 2013), the Green Kayak Market, in New Richmond on the Ohio, will be sponsoring a mini music festival. The plan has been reported that the Festival starts on Friday evening with music in the Park across from the Kayak, as well as on the Old Lodge stage. Stop on down for the tunes (and great food, beer and other spirits).....

The music will continue into Saturday, with the Rabbit Hash String Band, Steve Free and others playing the Old Lodge Stage on Saturday...We will attend and report back with pictures. Please share this information with as many folks as possible and let the music ring.......

Saturday, June 8, 2013

The Music Rocks On At New Richmond On The Ohio....

We stopped down to the Kayak tonight and experienced FUN, FUN, FUN. It was Open Mic night and the folks we saw on stage were awesome. We will pick off some photos from the Green Kayak Market's Facebook page. They do a great job sharing photos.
Lifted from Green Kayak Facebook page...

While at the Kayak we heard rumors of a mini music festival next week at the Kayak. The Facebook site shows the Rabbit Hash String Band and Steve Free. These are both very top notch artists well worth a visit. However, we were told that up to 3-4 more bands will be added for next Friday and Saturday (June 14 and 15). Stay tuned....

We tell you, this little town rocks. Headin' over to Skippers for a few "end of the evening" nightcaps....Come on down. We need to just move here!!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Random Boat Searches-- Ending Soon In Ohio?

Ohio House Bill 29  ( ) is a potential game-changer on random boat inspections by State watercraft officers.  The days of such random checks by State officers for safety inspections may soon be over. Under the proposed law, a State watercraft officer can only stop a boat and inspect if there exists reasonable suspicion that the operator is breaking a law.

While safety should always be a number one concern of every boater, the topic of random stops of pleasure boats for the sole purpose of "safety inspections" has been a topic of frustration for years. The fear created by these stops is real, as is the corresponding discouragement. Police cannot randomly stop you in your car for an inspection, nor can they invade your home without cause. However, the random stops by State watercraft officers to perform "safety inspections" has somehow remained permissible; this despite complaints by legal folks on the constitutionality of these inspections.

The counter-argument by State law officials is simple: Safety. Safety is not only important for the recreational boaters, but also for the officers. Ill-equipped, unsafe vessels pose a danger to everyone, including the officers. While dramatic, every water rescue is rife with risk. In short, it is hard to argue with safety. However, the government's ability to "search," must always be balanced against our fundamental right to privacy.

Taking into account the arguments noted above and more, it appears that Ohio House Bill 29 will put a stop to the random boardings by State Officers for purposes of  "safety inspections" only . However, this law in no way affects the State watercraft officers power to enforce laws on waterways throughout the State. Moreover, before you get too excited, the proposed new law does not mean that random safety inspection boardings on Ohio waterways are gone forever.

Because of the separation of Federal and State government, this Ohio law (we are told) does not apply to the Federal Coast Guard. That's right, the Coast Guard can still perform random "safety inspections" (and even call in assistance from local officials if violations of other laws are found). Whether the Federal stops will stand as valid remains to be seen, but understand that we were told by State officials that this State law does not apply to the Coast Guard (nor does it apply to Kentucky officers on the Ohio River). We were also informed that there is a lawsuit out there in another State that calls into question the power of the Coast Guard to stop and board a boat without reasonable suspicion of a crime. We will have to look into this issue and will post on such later.

In our opinion, recreational boating, be it in a ski boat, kayak or SUP, should be encouraged. This new proposed law is designed to encourage boating, while protecting the privacy of citizens at the State level. Despite the law, we encourage you to always, always "BE SAFE." Boating is a great activity for friends and family and the benefits are real. However, all the fun is lost with one mistake on the water. So "Get Outside and Play," but do it safe. See you soon out on a river, stream or lake!!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Route 52 Is No Second Fiddle to Route 66....

Looking for a drive through an entertaining drive along the rivers and streams and hills and valleys of Americana? Try a cruise down Route 52. Like the more-famous Route 66, Route 52 was  commissioned in 1926 and is over 2,000 miles in length. The northern start point of the Route is in Portal, North Dakota (on the Canadian border) and ends in Charleston, South Carolina. Although most US "even number" highways refer to east/west running highways, Route 52 follows a more northwest/southeast route.

In Ohio,  the sections of Route 52 that run along the Ohio River are known as the Ohio River Scenic Byway, which is part of the larger National Scenic Byway Project.  The Byway also has served as an important stop on the Underground Railroad along its three states of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. Indeed, some of the prominent Underground Railroad stops along Route 52 include New Richmond, Ripley and Moscow
According to Wikipedia, Route 52 is one of five US-designated highways to cross the Mississippi River more than once.  In fact, US 52 crosses the Mississippi three times: at Minneapolis, St Paul and between Iowa and Illinois .

Having driven US Route 52 in Indiana, Ohio and West Virginia, the sites of the weathered tobacco barns, small cities and villages that exude Americana and the roadside history are incredible. If you are looking for a unique weekend drive, hit US Route 52 along the Ohio River and enjoy the ride.