Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Mini Music Event On The River at New Richmond..

The Green Kayak Market & Eatery sponsored a mini music festival this past weekend and we stopped by. This was a cool event and we hear another will occur next year. Friday night, with a band playing in the Park, the feel was that of a summer beach town. The Park was filled with so many young people dancing to the music, and the Kayak was hosting even more great music on its Old Lodge Stage and Front Street Cafe provided music in its courtyard There wasn't an empty parking place in sight!

As we have noted in the past, something fun and big time is happening in this former sleepy river Village. The music is key, but so are the other hip items popping up around town. The cool kayak ramp, the trailers and trucks around town sporting kayaks/canoes, that Peacock Bakery pushing out amazing treats and the  river traffic slowing down to check out the Village, all  provide a feel and look that is just flat-out fun. Not sure what's in the water down there, but whatever it is, it's sure generating energy. Even Jacob, the town peacock feels like showing off ...

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