Tuesday, January 7, 2014

1800's Clay Pipe Production Along The Ohio River...

In the late 1800's you could go into a tavern or pub along the Ohio River and choose to borrow from
the bottle of clay, reed-stem, tobacco pipes stored in bottles at the bar.  Most of these pipes were made right on the shores of the Ohio River at the Peterson Pottery Company in Point Pleasant, Ohio. 

The manufacture of these beautiful pipes is believed to have begun around 1840 and ended sometime in the 1890's. We have been told that pipe fragments can still be found along the shores of the Big Indian Creek, which intersects the Ohio River at Point Pleasant, Ohio. Hopefully, places like the Green Kayak Market (in New Richmond on the Ohio) can get hold of some of these pipes for display in the store.

Of course, the hamlet of Point Pleasant, Ohio is also famous as the birthplace of the former US President and Union Army General, Ulysses S Grant. Lots happening down on the shores of the Ohio River.


  1. Can you still find these pipes?

  2. These are all products from river site and awesome design. Thanks for sharing this information and i really like it.
