Tuesday, April 8, 2014

FEMA Reforms May Well Kill Historical River Towns....

Congress passed alleged reforms to the National Flood Insurance Program in 2012 only to find that they did a poor job. Alleged unintended consequences led to the 2012 law being shelved. Unfortunately, in the zest to politicize a complicated issue, Congress set out to push through a "revised" law suggesting that such protects the consumer. Wrong again......

In light of Hurricanes Sandy and Katrina, Congress sought to capitalize on the media blitz and the result has been the devaluation of so many properties along the Ohio River (and others). This devaluation will lead to lower property taxes (adversely affecting schools and other services),  bankruptcies, decline of historical buildings, increased poverty in rivertowns throughout Appalachia and squelching of small business. Despite such "unintended consequences," Congress will move on to the next cycle of spending on re-elections, Members Representational Allowances (averaging $1.2 million, per Congressional Research Service: http://library.clerk.house.gov/reference-files/112_20120104_Salary.pdf ) and other such items.

Small river communities need to ban together to remedy the failures of our leaders. I heard the New Richmond (Ohio) Business Association is already taking action. Here's a link to information on the new law: http://www.fema.gov/media-library/assets/documents/93074  and  http://www.insurancejournal.com/news/national/2014/03/13/323273.htm

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