January 16, 2012 prediction @9am |
The "living waters" of the Ohio River continue to rise. The NOAA website now predicts that the river will crest at over 41ft; not a huge problem but pretty amazing to see. What amazes us is the sheer volume of additional water passing by. When you go from the 25 foot pool level to its level now near 39 feet (across the entire width of the river), that's a lot of water. (We're sure someone with all the numbers could calculate the additional volume of water.....)What we would like to understand better is the methodology used by the Corp to move the water through the lock systems. It sure seems like they, at times, hold way too much water in the section of the river at Cincinnati. Just our opinion- however, the results of such decisions can be very costly. For folks in New Richmond, Ohio area, the 58 ft level is when things begin to get real dicey....
We will be heading down to the New Richmond area this weekend to check out the river and enjoy some of the entertainment, including acoustic guitar performances at the Green Kayak and Front Street and "Comedy on the River2" on Saturday night......Float on by!
UPDATE: As an example on how things change fast on the River, the image below is the NOAA latest status on the crest stage of the Ohio River showing the crest a few feet higher than predicted a few short hours ago.....
UPDATE for January 17 shows the river cresting even higher this weekend. Come on out to New Richmond and check out the waters along the flood wall....
Flood crest looks like it will occur tomorrow at 45ft....The river is really moving very fast, yet the barges keep moving.....
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